Wall jump from egomoose

so i tried egomoose’s platformer movement thing
anyways i want to copy the walljump in the game, and well I tried and got a ton of errors…

local function reflect(v, normal)
	return -2*v:Dot(normal)*normal + v;

function moveSet:wallJump()
	local hrpCF = self.hrp.CFrame;
	local ray = Ray.new(hrpCF * CFrame.new(0, self.hrp.Size.y/2, 0).p, 4*hrpCF.lookVector);
	local hit, pos, normal, material = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, self.character);

	if not (self.isWallJumpActive and self._canWallJump and self:inAir() and hit and (not self._lastWall or self._lastWall:Dot(normal) < 0)) then
		return false;

	self._isWallJumping = true;
	self._canWallJump = false;
	self._lastWall = normal;
	self._totalWallJumpCount = self._totalWallJumpCount + 1;

	self._jumpCount = 0;

	local move = self.humanoid.MoveDirection;
	move = (move:Dot(move) > 0 and move:Dot(normal) < 0) and move or hrpCF.lookVector;
	self.humanControl:setMode(Enum.HumanoidControlType.Locked, reflect(move, normal));

	local count = self._totalWallJumpCount;
	delay(0.2, function()
		if (self._totalWallJumpCount == count) then
			self._isWallJumping = false;
			self._canWallJump = true;

	return true;

self._isWallJumping = false;
self._canWallJump = true;
self._lastWall = nil;
self._totalWallJumpCount = 0;

self.isWallJumpActive = true;

function moveSet:wallJump()
	local hrpCF = self.hrp.CFrame;
	local ray = Ray.new(hrpCF * CFrame.new(0, self.hrp.Size.y/2, 0).p, 4*hrpCF.lookVector);
	local hit, pos, normal, material = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, self.character);

	if not (self.isWallJumpActive and self._canWallJump and self:inAir() and hit and (not self._lastWall or self._lastWall:Dot(normal) < 0)) then
		return false;

What kinda errors? You’re missing a few lines on the bottom here.

well to be honest i don’t know what im doing, i just pasted all the stuff involving walljump in the script of the game