Weapons in my game have a considerable impact on movement

So in my FPS I have some custom movement code. It works great when the user isn’t holding anything, but if they have a tool equipped then acceleration seems to be heavily weighted to one side of their body. I think it might be some kind of interaction with the body gyro that I use to prevent users from tripping. I have all weapons set to massless, but the weight of the weapons still appears to apply. If I reduce the density using custom physical properties to .01 then that also apparently reduces the effect the weapons have on the user.

Any ideas on how I can separate the weight of the tool entirely?

Set the Massless property of all of the parts affecting the player to true.

I’ve already done this. Not sure why but it seems to get ignored/make no difference. Only the density prop does.

Can you send a model of one of the weapons? (without scripts)

Turn cancollide off on all le parts

I actually have a theory that it’s not about weight, it’s how changing the density forces Roblox to recalculate the physics assembly or something? I think a Weld might be getting cached wrong. Still looking into it.

Make sure that ALL the parts are set to CanCollide and Massless false.
If even one part is left out it can still make the physics go weird.

Here’s what I do on weapon copy

           for i, v in pairs(newTool:GetDescendants()) do
				if v:IsA("BasePart") then
					v.Massless = true
					v.CanCollide = false
					v.CustomPhysicalProperties = PhysicalProperties.new({
						Density = .01,

Try getting rid of the thing that sets CustomPhysicalProperties

That line was definitely off but it doesn’t seem to work either way, with the corrected constructor or removed.

Are you sure there’s no other parts being attached to the character?

I’m gonna close this question for now, there seems to be a bigger issue with it as a whole and I’ll need to do some digging. Replication is super inconsistent and seems to be more related to weapon switching than the weapons themselves.