Wedge somehow flips over randomly when you move it around if it is rotated so that its hypotenuse is facing the floor.
This happens only in Studio.
This was discovered today
With the transformation tools or Properties widget:
Create a wedge part and set its size to (1, 4, 4)
Rotate the wedge on its X axis by (-45) degrees
Move the wedge around
In this video I am not pressing any key. I’m not pressing T or R. I’m just holding my mouse and moving it around. No script or plugin is running in the background.
Roblox is weird like this, parts that are being dragged will be rotated automatically to be flush or as flush as they can get with the surface they are being dragged onto.
The wedge spontaneously flipping left or right while freedragging is not correct. That is the bug here.
As a side note, parts will always align according to their bounding box, if you need parts to align according to geometry you should use the green physical dragging mode, enable collisions, and use the dragging handles.
Kinda. If you want the part to drag in that orientation you can actually do it by editing the pivot:
Though it won’t drag flush with the floor because the bounds that get set on the surface you’re dragging onto are simply determined by the bounding box.