Weird formatting issue with default chat


I’m having this weird issue where I can’t make rainbow chat tags work properly. I have forked the chat and stuff but for some reason other messages and wrong parts of the tag become rainbow.

Here’s an example:

isRainbow is a value passed to the function determining whether the tag should be rainbow or not.

if not isRainbow then
		TagLabel.TextColor3 = tagColor
		numberValue.Changed:Connect(function() -- numberValue is a number value that is constantly changing between 0 and 1 
			TagLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(numberValue.Value, 0.5, 1)
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(This might not be correct) When you get a random number maybe the number becomes the same number causing the color to be the same. For example, rolling a die would sometimes get you 2 numbers in a row meaning the same color 2 times in a row. Am I right?

I’m not sure what you mean. The only reason a chat should be rainbow is if a value inside of the player’s passes folder is true.

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Well I see here you change the text color maybe it changed all the text colors to random. Maybe?

tagColor is defined already inside of the default function, it shouldn’t be random. I also can’t really show as I was having the issue on mobile but the circled UI elements were also changing colours.

function methods:AddTagLabelToBaseMessage(BaseMessage, tagColor, formatTagText, isRainbow)
	local tagNameSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(formatTagText, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize)
	local TagLabel = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextLabel")
	TagLabel.Selectable = false
	TagLabel.Size =, tagNameSize.X, 0, tagNameSize.Y)
	TagLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
	TagLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
	TagLabel.Font = BaseMessage.Font
	TagLabel.TextSize = BaseMessage.TextSize
	TagLabel.TextXAlignment = BaseMessage.TextXAlignment
	TagLabel.TextYAlignment = BaseMessage.TextYAlignment
	TagLabel.TextTransparency = BaseMessage.TextTransparency
	TagLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency
	if not isRainbow then
		TagLabel.TextColor3 = tagColor
			TagLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(numberValue.Value, 0.5, 1)
	TagLabel.Text = formatTagText
	TagLabel.Visible = true
	TagLabel.Parent = BaseMessage
	print(TagLabel:GetFullName(), isRainbow) -- true for some reason?

	return TagLabel
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Yeah I didn’t really know I just wanted to try and help the best I could… Sorry if I wasted any time…

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