Welding Motors in studio: Torture!

Three fans, the middle the original welded with the command line

Fan = game.Workspace.CoolantFan
local motor = Instance.new("Motor")
motor.Part1 = Fan.Anchor
motor.Part0 = Fan.Center
motor.Parent = Fan.Anchor
motor.DesiredAngle = 99999999999999999
motor.C0 = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0) 
motor.C1 = CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi/2,0)
motor.MaxVelocity = 0.05

I click the play button. (Not test in window) They all spin fine. I revert and just move all of them upwards slightly. I click play again. This happens:

The original now faces downwards.
In addition to weird behavior like this, welding a part with the command line may change its orientation but studio will not show this change visually: Resulting in trying to select parts that do not exist where they appear to be and making it appear as if parts have teleported when the simulation is ran.

In short, welding anything to anything with any type of welds is an absolute nightmare of glitchy and unintuitive behavior and results in hours of my time being wasted,

In the mean time… try this plugin.

Also, for setting desired angle to virtually infinite it’s quicker to write 9e9 for example than 9000000000

never hit play nor reverse in studio. Always open new windows.

As for the motors, make sure you delete any old motor, and if you have an invisible brick, make sure that it is visible during testing and you should have reference points on it.

[quote] never hit play nor reverse in studio. Always open new windows.

As for the motors, make sure you delete any old motor, and if you have an invisible brick, make sure that it is visible during testing and you should have reference points on it. [/quote]

That is not a problem here, the problem is welding in studio is buggy and unreliable.

[quote] never hit play nor reverse in studio. Always open new windows.

As for the motors, make sure you delete any old motor, and if you have an invisible brick, make sure that it is visible during testing and you should have reference points on it. [/quote]

That is not a problem here, the problem is welding in studio is buggy and unreliable.[/quote]

I have nevereverever had any issues welding in studio