I’m looking to make a simple battering ram (the speed varies depending on how many players are using it at the same time) to follow a predetermined path or alternatively via pathfinding.
But the problem is I’m really struggling to find an effective way to move a model smoothly, as I want the wheels to move while it is being pushed. I’m thinking there’s 2 options for me right now.
have the ram use roblox physics
have the ram anchored, and have the wheels just rotate as it follows the path
all have their pros and cons, as this ram will be going up hills roblox physics could mess up, throw the ram off track, fall back down the hill - or if its anchored it might not look right, and clip through the terrain.
I’m leaning more towards the physics side, but using lineforces seems to be the closest way of achieving this as far as I’m aware and I’m finding them very tricky because I have only recently started to dabble into engine physics.
If anyone could lean me in the right direction that would be great