What can i add to this logo?

what can i add to this logo?


It’s very plain. Most of the other logos I’ve seen are themed the text (e.g. If the text is Pirate Simulator, there would be an eyepatch over the letter P). Maybe add an ice cube or something like that behind the text.


people tell me that all the time. thing is, how do i make an ice cube

(and yeah, i also hate my general text logo too)


Maybe add some cracking ice in the “ICE” text?


Text logos are kind of boring. Maybe add an image logo instead.


You draw it. Use Ibis Paint X or Photoshop. Or you can just rip images off Google.

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maybe a background texture? at least that would make it less plain.


I’m not sure if it is on my end, but it looks a bit low quality (could be just me).

Anyways I’d say perhaps add some grain to the text and add something in the background like ice.

Try a shape on the top bottom or corners.

The white text could use text stroke to make it pop out more, and the gradient also needs some work because it makes the logo not pop as well, also the blue background for the word one is…

I’m just kidding, was just playing with you, but I do feel like you could add some form of text stroke to make it pop more, I mean the color scheme is pretty light and there are no Warm - Cool color ratios anywhere present.

Try making the blue background behind the “ONE” text more icey like, whether that being a texture, or adding a shine to it. Get creative with it.

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Add some white lines or something to the corners!