What do you guys think about a Sky Diving Park on ROBLOX?

Thank you so much, and if you need any recommendations or suggestions please feel free to message me here. I think there is a way! I just joined DEV forum a week ago, so I am trying to get ahold of how everything works.

I do not know, it feels like its not my style at all

If you can get this sort of game into VR, I would definitely play it.

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That sounds pretty cool! Would love to see it

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The idea is really good, I think you should add thinks like currency for in game items you can use. Also you should add how fast your going and obstacles to go through. When your finished with it or have an alpha version can you message me with a link to it? I really love the idea.


Will do! Thank you for the feedback!

I look forward to sharing it with the community shortly!

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Honestly, I think simple skydiving though and around things will get old fast. Add some things that will be unique and combine-able, a little like garrys mod. for example:

Grappling hook - to attach to friends or to swing back up from a dive.
Birds - just some simple AI birds that you can interact with.
Pterodactyls - they eat you out of the sky.
Gravity adjustment - hop around like on the moon!
Airplanes - catch your friends mid-flight! do pilot ace tricks!

All those are cool on there own, but being able to combine them is what would be really cool. Examples:
grapple hook someones plane while your flying a plane, causing the both of you to orbit each other.
grapple birds and pterodactyls as your falling and then sell them. (sky fishing, I guess)
increase gravity while in a plane for extreme dives. Anyway, hope these ideas help!


Hey there!
As cool as the idea may sound to some, most users will not be interested in the idea of repeatedly falling from the sky. However, as @mqrvinsroom said, it can go very well if properly executed. You would need to add plenty of additional features, as a standalone “fall from the sky repeatedly for fun” game doesn’t sound very appealing to lots.
As for such features, I completely agree with all features @Vezipe thought of.

Some features I thought of...
  • Different “levels” or unlockable sections of the park, so players feel they have a clear goal and you therefor retain them for longer.
  • Items/coins to collect during the flight, so players don’t just feel like they have to jump off a mountain and wait to receive the coins.
  • Unlockable “transports” or drop points where each one would be a little higher, each costing more money/game currency to unlock. For example, you could have a diving board as the starting one, and then slowly progress through a building, mountain, plane and eventually a rocket.

These are just some features I thought of that would definitely make me as a player want to spend more time on this game.

Anyhow, I truly wish you the best of luck, and I believe any sort of game can be fun with the right elements to it.
I hope this helps!

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It’s going to be a roleplaying group. I should have elaborated that in the post.