What do you think I should add to my lobby to add engagement?

Here’s an image of what my lobby looks like. I would like to know what you think would look good for my mental-hospital lobby


Add some patient NPCs with interesting dialogue maybe?

Like an asylum patient handcuffed on a bed speaking gibberish about the asylum and some things.

Oh and while on the topic of NPCs maybe add Guide as a NPC who speaks about how he regrets hanging from that ledge instead of just falling off

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Well, what kind of game is it? You could add basic leaderboards and such, but for the most part it’ll probably come down to what kind of game it is.


You could add NPCs, desks/chairs that are broken or destroyed depending if u want it to look run-down.

personally I think NPCs are a must. Can’t imagine a loony asylum without patients.

It’s a mental facility that runs experiments on unwilling participants as a social experiment

well in that case I suggest you add different kinds of NPCs.
You could add some npcs which appear to be “hiding”, almost as if they’re being hunted.
You could add a couple of oblivious NPCs who claim the other people are loonies.
And of course, add some NPCs which are aware of what goes on and react in various ways.

Thanks for the ideas. I’ll add some of them

you could add posters on the wall that say random things

things that could be useful to the game
things you think are funny
random facts about dogs
literally anything

downside is is that it would take awhile to make each poster

drop kicked baby

Not sure any place that run experiments on "unwilling participants” would have a lobby.

Maybe switch to a “holding place” of some kind.

That’s what it is.
I just need ideas like a shop, etc

It doesn’t “feel” like a holding cell.

Maybe something like this:

Or, this:

I don’t have much building experience

So, a horror game? If so, then add some areas for players to join a game (like how other games have the “0/X” thing allowing for multiple people to get into a game). If it’s a game like fighting other players in said hospital, leaderboards and stuff to find in the lobby might be something to consider.

You could add some holding cells, they don’t have to be too detailed or anything, and using real life references is 100% okay. They don’t even have to lead anywhere, just make the glass completely pitch black.

One more tip I have is to use a rig (there’s a button in the Avatar tab in Studio that lets you generate one) to get a good idea of how big things should be. Might be a good idea to shrink down the overall size of the lobby just in case.

I have a grasp on how big the lobby is.

Roblox would have a field day over that one i think xd

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NPC’s would be a good addition. Some NPC’s in straitjackets, NPC’s in restraints, etc. I would add items that are themed around mental facilities. This would make the lobby look a little less “empty”.

Like @mc7oof said, as of right now it doesn’t feel like a mental facility. The colors and textures look a little off. Most mental facilities have whitewashed walls, and if that’s the vibe you were going for, I wouldn’t make them red. I do like the floor texture, but the brick wall texture seems… like it’s not the right fit. Look at some reference pictures and try to build your lobby in that style. Add a bit of reflectiveness to the floor to make it a little more realistic. I would also make that the lighting more consistent, reduce shadows, and increase brightness.

Just my opinion.