What do you think of these abilities?

First of all, sorry if this is the wrong place.

So I’ve been working on some abilities, just for fun and to learn.

Please give me your honest opinion. Everything you see is my first attempt, alone…No tutorials.

Magic ball ability:

Teleport ability:

Has no sound yet, and I’m thinking about redoing the particles.

block ability - force field block, idk what to call it:

That’s it. What do you think?


This is really cool, I wonder how you made them. the forcefield block is probably my favorite (btw this is in the correct category don’t worry)

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Thanks, means alot. And yeh i’m happy how the block one turned out.

the magic ball is really nice, how did you make it go to your mouse pos im having trouble making mines spawn when E is pressed down.

these are really nice, the only factor I would consider is the feedback
when you do an action in real life you often get a response of sorts from the object, you slap something and it hurts your hand

so when you throw a huge magic ball you want it to feel like youre throwing an astronomical ball, add screenshake, some sound effects, and make some aesthetic changes to the character and the camera for a temporary amount of time to really sell the effect

think of teleporting in real life, suddenly going to one place to another would take a toll on your visual senses. simulate your eyes getting used to the sudden change of background. dont have any ideas for this but I trust you to make this good

when you’re making a forcefield you need to make the player feel protected, the only suggestion I have is to add a inner shadow to the screen that is the same color as the focefield

other than that just focus on how this will effect the gameplay and the player to player interactions.

I think I used this module:


It’s fairly simple to use, creator also has a youtube video abt it.

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