What game to start with?

Greetings, everyone! I am a solo, multi-developer with almost 1 year of experience and I would like to get into game production, etc. I don’t wanna make any obbies or tycoons since these are not challenging and are easy to make. I would like something challenging but not too hard to accomplish with a good concept. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


maybe a one piece game, i enjoy playing those

What do you mean by this? Any examples?

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A game that has to do with one piece (the anime/ manga)
Idk, just a suggestion

Good new RPG games are hard to come by so maybe a RPG just a suggestion


Well, you can make a very special tycoon or obby if challenging is what you want, but otherwise I would go for a story/adventure-like game, if you understand what I mean.
Good luck!

I would think outside of the box, it doesn’t have to be some crazy huge idea to be fun. Make sure it’s also something that you enjoy working on. Try thinking of games you enjoy playing, for say Arsenal - You just need a theme, plan, and be sure you know how to make it.

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maybe like a obby tycoon you try to build your own obby, but like a tycoon.

I like RPG/FPS games, they’re challenging to make and have a big player base!