Is replicated first a place for client script server scripts or neither?? I literally have zero clue what replicatedfirst is and when you should work with it I’ve coded Mutiple advanced stuff but never touched it.
I have a fairly strong idea about what the other built-in services are used for just not replicated first. I believe you put local scripts in it? That you want to run immediately?
Those services could be a bit slow to load in when a player joins, ReplicatedFirst makes sure it’s the very first thing that runs. (for loading screens, etc.) It could also be used to set variables that are needed for other scripts to run
ReplicatedFirst is like a task manager, some tasks have higher priorities than others, and thats when you use ReplicatedFirst, it is the highest priority, meaning its the first thing that loads when a player joins, i usually use ReplicatedFirst for Module scripts.