What is the best way to get a player?

  1. I want a button on a surface gui. The problem I need to get the player. What is the best way to get a player when they click on a button on a surface gui. (A script not a local script)

  2. I asked some people and gave no response.


You should treat a surface GUI like any other client-sided UI; Use a localscript to listen for a click.

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Mhm. I am trying to make a system more on the server side not really client side. Remeber it is a surface gui on a part.

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Player = plr

Sorry this was wrote on mobile

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There is a plr parameter in mousebuttondown. :open_mouth: Let me check.

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I would guess so, never created a server side gui.

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Anything GUI related should really be dealt with client-side, as it is redundant using the server to do such tasks. If you really need the server to interact for this scenario, you can just use a remote event/ function to do so. Plus, it sends the player object as you initially wanted!

local GUI = workspace.ur.gui
local button = GUI:WaitForChild("your_Button")
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local Remote = ur.Remote


-- Server
local remote = ur.remote

    print("Voila! I got the player object! The player's name is  " .. Player.Name)

Remeber tho. This is a textbutton on a surface gui.

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I know one method but just want to know if there is a better method.

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Your trying to get the Player from the Server-side, correct? If so then,


--[[ do stuff here]]


No like there is a button on a surface gui. The person clicks on the button. What is the best way to get the player that clicked on the button?

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As what everybody else has been saying, the best option is for it to be Client-Sided.

( Local Script )


It doesn’t matter that it’s on a surface GUI, you should still use remotes and a local script. What other method are you using?

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So put a local script in starter gui and if the player clicks on the button it just fire a remove event?

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That was the method I was gonna use but just wanted to know if there is a better way.

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I assure you this is the best way. I believe there is no way to detect the player who clicked the button on the server anyways.

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Just use the method that AbiZinho just shown you:


You can put a local script in the Surface GUI and use the same code and fire the server using AbiZinho’s method. Treat it like it was in the player’s StarterGui.

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Yea I will need to make it client sided. Thx to everyone who helped me.

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Put the SurfaceGui in StarterGui, then set its adornee to the part you want it to be on. From there you can listen for inputs from a localscript.