What is the best way to stored player data?

Hello guys I making a game that have a lot of object values inside Replicated storage for a long time but I think it’s not the best way to store player data

I’ve been searching a lot about how to store player data in devforum and I found a lot of different opinions
some said that storing value with object value in replicated storage is the best way
some said that storing object value in ServerStorage or ServerScriptService is the best way
some said that module script is good to store player data too

I want to know what is the best way to store player data

Example store all data in module script, local script, server script, object value or another way

Thank you for every comments and sorry if I say something wrong or bad grammar because this is my first time to post the topic and English is not the primary language

By storing player data you mean for current session without any DataStore? This definitely depends on use-case. If you wanna keep player data clearly for server usage, then save it in server script inside ServerScriptService. If you want the data to be automatically replicated and visible for client/clients, then you can save it as ObjectValue on the player it belongs to or in ReplicatedStorage, however ObjectValue is better because it replicates automatically to the clients.

It’s good you’ve got this overview on how to store player data, but you know the right way how to store player data by the usage of the data.

For me personally, I do have some data in ReplicatedStorage, some data in ServerScriptService, depends on what I wanna show, because some game logic is strictly only for Server visibility, so the player or exploiters cannot see the behavior of some parts of the game and what data are used for that behavior.

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So is it bad to stored player data in module script?

It’s not bad idea. Module script in ReplicatedStorage is totally alright thing.

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Oh thank you so much for the answer that helped me a lot.