What should I add to this plugin?

I recently made a plguin that does the same thing as Roblox’s FindAll/Replace All widget, but has more filters and settings.

What can I add to this plugin to make it even more useful?


Did you misspell the word Match? Or is it supposed to be Mach Case?

Yes, I misspelled it :sweat_smile:

Maybe add a light and dark mode. Sometimes it feels better for the eyes lol

It’ll change automatically when the Studio theme is changed in settings.

i want to see it when its released, gj

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I would have released it already, but there are some problems.

  1. It is not possible for plugins to open temporary script tabs.
  2. It is not possible for plugins to highlight words inside the script editor.
  3. No performant way of highlighting results (inside the plugin window). Adding some sort of rich text tag would fix this.
  4. No performant way of counting the number of results. If there were no things called regular expression and match whole word, this would’ve not been a problem.
  5. Scrolling frame becomes almost unscrollable when there are over 100k results, but Roblox’s version does not have this problem.

I’ll probably wait until the

is implemented.


Try making a function that allows people to use string patterns! If you did, I’d use this over the real Find All/Replace All.

(Like my code that I made to look for any requires with actual numbers)

for i, v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
    if v:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") then
        if string.match(v.Source, "require%(%d+") then
            local Require = string.match(v.Source, "require%(%d+")
            print(v, Require)

It is already possible to use string patterns in my plugin. Enable “Regular Expression”, type in any string pattern and click “Search”.

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You should add the ability to find & replace multiple lines at once.

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replacing on specific lines only would be super duper helpful.

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