What should I do if I have no idea what details to put in a build?

What I mean is if I’m making a house sometimes I get stuck while trying to add details because i’m not the best at coming up with ideas to but in my builds. How can I counter this issue?
Calling all builders for this question.
What do you guys do?


Add maybe small banners or lanterns even- it usually works for me.

One thing that I do is carpets but it gets very repetitive.

Maybe desks, computers, posters, clocks, flower pots and bean bags

Add all sorts of things, sure you can add decoration and other items. But you can also make the house stand or more, detailed, and unique. With porches and other stuff. Potted plants along with a unique structure like a balcony inside the room. You can even add like ordinary furniture and items. Such as tables, curtains, lamps and lights, toys, beds, paper stacks, file cabinets, cups, etc. As well as a lighting that would set the tone and mood of the house you would want to create. Add all sorts of exotic plants and natural things outside of the house.

Build your interior from a reference image

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I tend to do a lot of borders around the windows, door frames, foundation, etc. I also try to add depth to any bland looking walls by pushing certain sections back or bringing them forward. It’s really simple tweaks, but it helps improve the look by a lot.

Look around your room for inspiration, sometimes you might notice objects you use that you could use as a decoration for your space. Another great way is to just look at images of homes, depending on what kind of architectural movement you are looking at they all have distiguishable features that you may be missing in your build that gives that style character.

There are some solutions to an issue like that.

  • Look around your room for inspiration; even the little things add onto the detail like outlets for instance.
  • Look at reference images of house interiors; could help if the first method doesn’t work very well.
  • Use your imagination!; you could make many cool designs that may have not been made or you haven’t seen, or even got inspired to make by one of the first two methods.

Those I would say are the best methods to solve that, so good luck!

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Look at reference pictures to what you are building.

Whenever I get stuck, I look through references from Google images, this will always increase my thought of ideas and the dedication to continue working on it. There is nothing wrong with including these ideas into your builds, try not to completely add the same builds into yours.

It might be just me but often, creating a large room in the start can lead to you getting stuck on what details you should add (quite the opposite of getting more details), starting out small and expanding the size later on can help form ideas on what to add in your interiors/exteriors.

Reference images, feedback, other builds, your house, even workplaces/buildings like Roblox’s HQ, many methods on finding ideas and motivation on what to add.

Start small, grow from there.

A thing I personally do is look at images from Google or just randomly create things with a matching design then check out if it fits with the house & if I like it. Takes some time but gives a good current, as well as a future idea of how to match and build details.