What websites do you use for inspiration?

I want to know what websites are commonly used for inspiration, and which ones provide the most detailed photos when building something such as a chair, bed, buildings, decorations, vines, and a lot more!

Currently, I am using Pinterest but I feel like I could expand more and find a lot more photos which match what I like! :slight_smile:

Some photos related to what I am looking for are...


All the images above are from Pinterest.

I’m not sure if this is the right topic or if someone else made a topic about this.

I’m a decent builder myself, and I don’t usually use websites for inspiration. If you mean for reference, I just search up the specific thing I’m building and then afterwards just take elements from it onto my build.

For game concept inspiration, I usually think about games I really enjoy playing, and mash two concepts together. I also like implementing strategic movement as well, inspired by games like Doomspire Brickbattle and its many “tricks”, such as Bomb Jumping, Bomb Flying, etc.

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It depends really any site you use or choose to stick to it’ll provide those images on what you’re wanting to create whether it be (showcases, medieval buildings, architecture, modern, and more). Whatever style or build your looking for, there’s a bunch of resources and sites you can pick and choose from. Inspiration can come from many ways viewing real life buildings nature locations.

There isn’t a wrong or best approach on what sites you choose to get your inspiration from developers normally search an image you’re trying to create on “google” or visit a specific site that provides images there wanting. I’ll visit different types of sites to get inspiration from like (Pinterest, poly count) or images on google.

For myself, I don’t use any sites I search a model I want to replicate and go from there, or look at locations whether it be around your area - town or images you choose to use.

You can also take inspiration from existing buildings, different game images online or around your specific location, there isn’t a wrong approach to go about this whatever sites you’re willing to choose from stick to those and if you’re wanting to expand there are lots of variety of sites to choose from.

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