What's wrong with the code? | Pathfinding

  1. What do you want to achieve? I’m currently using a deprecated version of pathfinding service and I’m confused on how to convert the code into the current pathfinding system. Aka. (ComputeAsync)

  2. What is the issue? For some reason whenever I use ComputeRawPathAsync, after a short time period the entire pathfinding system breaks. I even tried it with humanoid NPCS.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried every way in my knowledge to try to convert it into the current pathfinding system, however nothing worked. I don’t really know what i’m doing wrong. If someone could provide the code or tell me what I’m doing wrong, that would help a lot!

Code: (currently using ComputeRawPathAsync)

local part = script.Parent
local force = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Force")

local pathfind = function(start,finish)
	local path = game:GetService("PathfindingService"):ComputeRawPathAsync(start,finish,500)
	return path:GetPointCoordinates() 

while true do
	local positions = pathfind(part.Position,script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Finish.Position)
	local oldPos = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Finish.Position
	for _,pos in next, positions do
		force.position = pos
		until (part.Position - pos).magnitude < 2 or (oldPos - script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Finish.Position).magnitude > 5
		script.Parent.BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.new(script.Parent.Position , Vector3.new(pos.X, script.Parent.Position.Y, pos.Z))
		if (oldPos - script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Finish.Position).magnitude > 5 then break end