When my character reaches the end of my rope constraint it starts glitching out, how would I be able to my character more stable when at the end of a rope constraint?
Do you mean it like, it bounces a lot? If yes then try reducing the elasticity of the Rope Constraint. Also i dont think this is the right category to post that in
The character also bounces a lot along with the rope, I set the rope’s restitution to 0 and it had no effect on the issue. Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough, when the rope fully stretches out, the player starts to twist and turn in every way possible. (I’m also applying a BodyVelocity to the player that goes along with the LookVector of the HRP)
Maybe you can use an AlignOrientation constraint attaching the Character’s HumanoidRootPart and a Part at the other end of the rope that keeps looking at the Character