Where did the "Publish Selection to Roblox" bar go?

I have an issue, and my issue is that, for a while now, I haven’t been able to upload models to the Roblox website. The reason being, any means of doing so have seemingly disappeared from my Roblox Studio. I haven’t yet uninstalled and reinstalled Studio, but are there any other possible fixes to this problem before I erase all my Studio settings?

Here’s a picture of my File bar for proof.


If you’re trying to upload a model to roblox, you need to right click the model and click Save to Roblox as seen here in the Image:


Wow… thank you. I feel stupid now. That’s the one place I never thought to look. I appreciate it so much!

It’s the simple things that people always forget, don’t worry you’re not the only one who forgets where certain buttons are located at from time to time :joy:

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