I’m making a tool and I just need a place to put the remote events. Should I put the remote events inside the tool or in some place such as ReplicatedStorage?
ReplicatedStorage is a good place to store remote events, as they can be accessed both by the client (To Fire Server), and Server to check for Server events.
I always put RemoteEvents in folders in ReplicatedStorage. So you could have a folder in ReplicatedStorage called “ToolEvents” and you could have a RemoteEvent for each tool there. I find that easier than putting them in the tools because the tools move between the player’s backpack and the player’s character but in ReplicatedStorage they never move.
Keeping the event in a tool would be more efficient as it can then be handled player-by-player.
Letting just one script control all the requests being sent from the different events takes up more bandwith.
- Tool
- Handle
- ClientScript
- ServerScript
- RemoteEvent
Yeah, I was thinking about this. I was wondering why the tool sometimes lagged when I put the remote event in ReplicatedStorage. Your post should be the solution to the lag.