Where would I start if I had an idea?

I often have ideas that pique my interest, but I never know where to start. So much is going on when I’m making a game it’s easy for me to get lost in it.

If you had a game idea, where would you start? Where should I start? I’d love to hear about how you go about making your games so I can try to apply it to my development and become a more efficient creator.


Never plan out any project you plan to do. Why? According to my beliefs which do not require any studies because anything I believe in is obviously true, when a person plans out something, their creative juice dies. The opposite happens when you don’t plan anything out; the creative juice flows thru yur vainsssssss. The same applies to avatars which is how we get masterpieces
like this:


When I get an idea I start right away to script it then while I am scripting the ideas will slowly come to you.
This is just my opinion and what helps me.


Yes that’s right. it looks like a paradox :joy:


What do you specialize in? If you are better at scripting then begin with scripting the gameplay. If you are good at building then begin with the builds. Personally, I keep a folder of all my game ideas. I start with a basic concept:
(I’ll use my game CandyLand as an example)
One day I was brainstorming game ideas when I suddenly wrote down candy world on a scrap of paper. I was intrigued and started adding to the idea of candy. I wrote down chocolate, gummy bears, and candy canes. I couldn’t think of anything else so I set it aside for another day.
A couple days later I came back to the idea and wrote down:
-loading screen background candies
-collect candy
-shop(candy store)
-hidden areas
-custom animations
It was very rough but I left it for another couple days until I created a checklist:
a. base(water, terrain, mountains)
b. lollipop forest
c. underwater plant life
d. hidden areas
a. loading screen
b. shop buttons
c. game pictures
d. daily rewards(?)
a. buying stuff from the shop
c. gameplay
d. portals
e. saving player data
That was my rough checklist. I started with the building (since that’s what I knew best) and slowly checked off my list.
Eventually I had built the map, enlisted the help of a scripter, finished the game in about a month, and released it to the public. I’m still working on it (I realized that game development never ends) because I know that I can always do better.

That’s my process when it comes to game development. But it always depends on what you can handle and whether or not you can stay motivated.
Setting daily goals or even weekly goals is very helpful (write them down on a piece of paper or type them out on your phone).

Hope that helped!


Although I saw some others saying not to plan anything out… I would get a sense of what I want to do and then see if I can do it, and if not, I will hire others to come help me with the project.

Like, for instance: Let’s say I wanted to create an FPS game, the first thing I would do is go in and do what I am best at doing. I would go and create a couple FPS maps. Like, if you are a builder, you should go and start building your idea, and then find a scripter to script it. But, if you’re a scripter, I would go in and script a menu for my FPS game, and a point system, and all that good stuff. Then, I would build the maps, but if you don’t build, you can always find a good builder to hire!

I really hope this helped! :grinning: