While loop only works once, won't work afterwards

This while loop is supposed to do a time countdown in the game, and then perform an operation when time has run out (declare one team the winner of the game).

The while loop runs on the condition that as long as a value in the game is false, it will countdown. It works until the value in the game becomes true, and then if the value becomes false again it will not resume the countdown, much less do anything else. Output was of no use or help either.

Here’s the code, could someone help me out?

local length = 300
local notif = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SystemMessage")
local Taken = script:WaitForChild("taken")
---other variable declarations that aren't relevant to this section of code here

	Functions such as onTouch(), Changed(), etc. here, before the while loop.

function RebalanceTeams()
     ---- balances teams
      length = 300

while not Taken.Value do
	if length > 0 then
		length = length - 1
		for i,v in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
			local seconds = length
			local minutes = (length - length%60)/60
			seconds = seconds - minutes*60
			local gui = v.PlayerGui.main.Frame.time
			gui.Text = minutes..":"..seconds
		notif:FireAllClients("[SERVER]: The Police have successfully defended the package!",Color3.new(241,43,53))
		notif:FireAllClients("[SERVER]: Game restarting...",Color3.new(241,43,53))
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Is this the boolean value in the game you’re referring to?

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Yes, it is either true or false and that determines whether the while loop will do its thing

So that’s the condition for your while loop. If that ever becomes true then your loop will stop, permanently. You should start your loop via a function and run that function every time the condition is false again.

Alternatively you could do

while wait(1) do
    if not Taken.Value then
	if length > 0 then
		length = length - 1
		for i,v in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
			local seconds = length
			local minutes = (length - length%60)/60
			seconds = seconds - minutes*60
			local gui = v.PlayerGui.main.Frame.time
			gui.Text = minutes..":"..seconds
		notif:FireAllClients("[SERVER]: The Police have successfully defended the package!",Color3.new(241,43,53))
		notif:FireAllClients("[SERVER]: Game restarting...",Color3.new(241,43,53))

Oh, I didn’t know that while loops, when stopped, stopped permanently, for some reason I always thought they worked continuously. Oof.

Would this work instead?

while wait(1) do
	if not Taken.Value then
		if length > 0 then
			length = length - 1
			for i,v in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
				local seconds = length
				local minutes = (length - length%60)/60
				seconds = seconds - minutes*60
				local gui = v.PlayerGui.main.Frame.time
				gui.Text = minutes..":"..seconds
			notif:FireAllClients("[SERVER]: The Police have successfully defended the package!",Color3.new(241,43,53))
			notif:FireAllClients("[SERVER]: Game restarting...",Color3.new(241,43,53))

Yeah that should be fine. It’s a fairly low impact loop so I don’t see the harm in leaving it that way.

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