Who do I script a ncp so that it moves?

So I wanted to script a ncp to animate it when playing the game, I feel like my script does nothing at all. Can someone help me? Here is the script:

local AnimSaves = gone_dances01-mapbeach
AnimSaves = gone_dances01-mapbeach
-- Start first frame
local KeyFrame = HumanoidRootPart
local AmimSaves = StartAnimation
StartAnimation = script
script = gonedances01-mapbeach 
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What’s defined where if at all?
What type of script is this?

Why are you re-defining things twice??

What’s the point of this and what are you trying to do?

The gonedances is the ncp name followed by the map that is in. And also, idk how to script.

I was trying to animate a ncp to do the animation by scripting.

If your using the normal humanoid then you should be able to use the animate script and change the animation ids to the wall, jump, land, etc. You want