Why are all my positions messed up?

I run this script:

for i, v in workspace.Facade:GetDescendants() do

	if v:IsA("BasePart") then
		local agiub = v.Position.Z

		v.Position = Vector3.new(math.round(v.Position.X*1000)/1000 , math.round(v.Position.Y*1000)/1000 , math.round(v.Position.Z*1000)/1000)

		print(v, v.Position.Z, agiub)



and it outputs this:

Why are my positions still imperfect? Thanks!

I’m assuming that that is just to do with floating point inprecisions, which you can’t really do a whole lot about.

The reason I’m concerned is because I see the tiniest of cracks in between my parts
or they might be overlapping and there’s a tiny bit of z fighting
either way the border in between the parts are quite visible where the positions aren’t perfect.
thanks for the input though!

yep you’re right! :0
I learned something new today :D

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