Why do my UI's look so small on console?

My UI’s look really small and ugly on console, is there any way to fix this? I’m using scale instead of offset, so shouldn’t they be relatively the same thing?

Average laptop scale: https://gyazo.com/9dc4608e35589d2678f68bc57db80173

Xbox one scale: https://gyazo.com/f7521ff489da78e62d8170c2f00c85cf

Scale is based on the screen size (1 = full screen, 0.5 = half, etc.). If you haven’t noticed, the Xbox screen is wider, more rectangular and the laptop screen is more square.

This means the UI will be wider on the Xbox screen, and thinner and on the laptop screen. Same deal with height.

You’ve got two options to fix the issue: Use offset, or use a UIAspectRatio constraint. Either of these will make sure your UI stays at the same proportions without being stretched or squashed. If you really want to use scale, I’d recommend the latter.

Also, something you will need to do for the constraint is figure out the proportions. All you need to do is divide width by height (or the opposite, depending on which axis you’ve chosen to be basing the proportions around.)

Here’s an example:
I have a rectangle with a size of 728x124. I want the proportions to be in terms of width, so to get the proportions I will do 728/124, which gives me 5.80... Plug that into the constraint and boom.

You can also use SizeConstraint for the desired behavior with scaling, though the page for it on the wiki has a terrible description. You can get a better description for it on the page for the enum.

Its because you’re fitting to Window, so 1 px of your display isn’t actually 1 px.

imo its easier to create a really nice PC, Xbox and 2 mobile UIs using offset than it is to create 1 really nice UI that scales to all 4. Really, Xbox, PC and Mobile should have different UI anyways for different input schemes.