Sorry I changed the problem because I have a new problem now.
MyTable = {“A”,“B”,“C”,“D”,“E”,“F”,“G”,“F”}
while true do
i = 0
a = math.random(0,7)
while true do
i = i + 1
if i == 6 then break end
if a == i then script.Parent.Text1.Text = MyTable[i]
else if a == i+1 then script.Parent.Text2.Text = MyTable[i+1]
else if a == i-1 then script.Parent.Text3.Text = MyTable[i-1]
if script.Parent.Text1.Text and script.Parent.Text2.Text ~= "Label" and
script.Parent.Text2.Text and script.Parent.Text3.Text ~= "Label"
then break end
This script doesn’t work. I want it to change the text of text labes. The issue is script. It doesn’t give any error. I didn’t look for any help on other websites.
(Script parent is ScreenGui, ScreenGui parent is StarterGui, text labes parent is ScreenGui. Used local script.)