Hello Developers! I have tried making a shirt giver, using an ID inputter however, this works fine until the ID is put into the ShirtTemplate, leaving the shirt template with the ID in but the character with no shirt. Do you know how to fix this? Any help is appreciated.
This sounds unrelated, but what ID are you using, is it the one straight off the catalog?
If you can, please send one of the IDs you’re testing it with.
You have to use the imagetemplate, which looks like this upon opening it into your browser.
You need to change this:
player.Character.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = Model.ShirtTemplate
Remove this line, and put this line if it’s a shirt.
Also, do :Destroy() after you dealt with it.
InsertService should be used to get the actual ID anyways.
I did this but it told me that “ShirtTemplate is not a valid member of Model “Model”” Could you give me further help? Also, how do you use insert service to get the actual id of the template from a catalog shirt?
Because when using InsertService, it will return a Model containing everything inside.
So, you need to set the model to:
first of all, check if it’s not nil, and then later, check if it’s a SHIRT.
Could you write what code I would need to use and where to put it?