Make sure it’s a local script. And then type this:
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local playerMoney = player.leaderstats.Money
while true do
if script.Parent.borde.sueldo.Text ~= playerMoney.Value then
script.Parent.borde.sueldo.Text = playerMoney.Value
Looking through the code you provided there is an error in your script as to why it’s not updating. In your script you did Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):Connect(function() this connects to nothing and wont update and instead just error. The correct way to do what you want is the following code below;
local gui= -- put path to gui here
gui.Text = Money.Value
What this does is activates once the value of money has changed, then changing the text of the gui to the money value. Read up on GetPropertyChangedSignal