I’m trying to convert functions that I bound to RunService.Stepped to RunService:BindToRenderStep() so I have more control over the order of my functions.
However, for some reason, changes done in BindToRenderStep() aren’t replicated from the server to clients as seen in this video:
The module script and the server script that uses it are in ServerScriptService. Here is the relevant code in the module script:
The server script that uses the module is purely data manipulation, and doesn’t interact with the workspace or any other instance hierarchy except through this module script.
I was using .Stepped before trying out BindToRenderStep(), as I need these updates before the physics sim, since they’re supposed to update positions and body forces. I think I might try to make this module script into my own kind of simulation step, where I call everything I need in the order I want, given that I can’t use BindToRenderStep() anymore.
I have another idea, I don’t know if its what your looking for but its worth a shot
You could fire a event from the server to the client saying “Hey lets move this here”
or some sort of ping pong system