Why isn't my Player:GetMouse() not working?

I tried doing Player:GetMouse() but the output says:
Workspace.Rapideed.FireBallscript.Fireball:10: attempt to index nil with 'GetMouse'
I’m not sure why this doesn’t work for some reason. This script is in StarterCharacterScript

local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent)

local mouse = Player:GetMouse() --Line 10
local MousePosition = mouse.Hit.p

Thank you for reading.


The error you’re receiving is because Player is being set to nil, aka :GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent) isn’t returning a Player object from that model, so it sets local Player to nil

Also, is it a LocalScript or Script?

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It’s a local script. But, for some reason there is no error even though you said it doesn’t work.

If it’s a LocalScript why not just do

local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer



Ok I will try this but it still doesn’t explain why I have a mouse error output.

The error is because you’re trying to essentially do the following

local Player = nil --When it can't find the character for whatever reason.

local mouse = nil:GetMouse() --This isn't a function of nil
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If that player variable was wrong how could it fire the mouse object? But I will try.

That’s what I’m saying, it’s not setting Player to be the actual current player, that’s why it’s saying attempt to index nil with 'GetMouse'

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local mouse = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

This would work too, but making Player a variable opens it up for use later on in the script.


I’m pretty sure getmouse can only be used on the client, also getting the player from the character might return nil sometimes.

Here’s a basic example of how you would use it.

local Players = game:GetService('Players')

local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

local part, debounce = script.Parent, false

local placement = part:Clone()
placement.CFrame = CFrame.new()
placement.Transparency = .8
placement.CanCollide = false
placement.Anchored = true
placement.Parent = workspace

    placement.Position = mouse.Hit.Position  

    if debounce then

    debounce = true
    print('Position:', mouse.Hit.Position)
    local clone = part:Clone()
    clone.CFrame = mouse.Hit
    clone.Parent = workspace


    debounce = false
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Actually I see the problem this might work:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- the original might not have worked, but game.Players.LocalPlayer always gets the player.
local mouse = Player:GetMouse()
local MousePosition = mouse.Hit.p
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I will test this sorry for my late response.

Thank you for everyone who helped I tested your solutions and it worked great thanks! Since I wasn’t able to test at the time everyone had a correct solution so sorry if I can’t directly give you it.