Why it contains Instance when printing

Hello Everyone, I am using a remote event that sends data to the server. The issue is why it
prints > {...} Instance while I am just trying to
print(dataname:GetAsync(Players.UserId, TablesCreated))

Expected output when I execute print(dataname:GetAsync(Players.UserId, TablesCreated)) :

> {...}

The TablesCreated itself is a table, I already check if what typeof(TablesCreated) is a Table. And I tried to index with “1” inside the player’s Data, but it prints:

1 Instance

I want it to print only the table without the Instance. Or is that how it really works because I don’t want to save my data that contains the table with the Instance . .?

I tried to set it outside of the OnServerEvent function but it also prints:

1 Instance


You’ll also notice that passing “TablesCreated” to GlobalDataStore:GetAsync is not how the function was intended to be used

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Oh my mistake earlier, I was trying to GetAsync(Players.UserId) Thanks for the info! But is it that how it works?

Yes. It is merely supposed to retrieve data from the database

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