Why my character acting like this?

as from the title, my char is tryna be funny here is the snipped of code:

torso.Position = Vector3.new(torso.Position.X, torso.Position.Y, char:GetPivot().Position.Z)

i would appreciate help or a way to go around this, i can give more info/code if asked for.

This is what i mean with funny: https://gyazo.com/7abc2b6805def68ac28c254e2eabada4


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Try using a body mover like AlignPosition instead because I don’t think the humanoid controller really likes you just overriding physics by directly setting the position

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Earlier in the code i set the pos of the torso on the raycast pos, but i found out the pivot of the thing is still gone, i might try setting the pivots pos to the torso pos

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I did stuff and now stuff works :+1:

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