Why won't LocalPlayerArrivedFromTeleport fire?

So, I have a function that fires when you come from a Teleportation from one place of my game, and it’s supposed to show a GUI. I tried the StarterPlayingScripts, putting it in the concerned GUI, but nothing.

Anyways of fixing this?
Here’s my code by the way:

local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService")

function onArrival(player)
   print("Teleported Player is here!")


Thanks in advance!

Just a hypothesis, maybe the event is firing before the LocalScript starts running.
Have you tried putting it inside ReplicatedFirst? That’s where the first LocalScripts can run.


As @return_end1 says and as stated from the Roblox Developer Hub:

This event should be connected immediately in a LocalScript parented to ReplicatedFirst . Otherwise, when the connection is made the event may have already fired.

Also, the parameters you have included are not what is actually sent. The two parameters that are sent is the custom loading screen instance and data you sent while teleporting the player (if you sent data, of course)

Here’s an implementation in ReplicatedFirst that should work for you:

local RF = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst")
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService")

TPS.LocalPlayerArrivedFromTeleport:Connect(function(loadingScreen, teleportData)
    -- if you have a custom loading screen from the game you teleport the player from, it will appear here
   if loadingScreen then
     -- do whatever
   -- if you didn't have a custom loading screen from the last place,
   -- you can add in a loadingScreen
   elseif not loadingScreen then
      loadingScreen = -- you loading screen here
      loadingScreen = loadingScreen:Clone()
      loadingScreen.Parent = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
     -- do whatever here

Welp, you answered my question. @AbiZinho fixed another issue that I hadn’t yet found, so he has the solution. Thanks tho.

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Thanks for fixing and the good advice! Marking as solution!