Why would this small part of a script not work?

Hello a very small part of my script isint working. Any help?
Screen Shot 2022-04-20 at 6.27.51 PM

Any errors? try debugging by using print() to see which parts work.

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It prints but it dosent work. frsfsdfsdfsd

I also suggest to use if not rather than what your doing here:

while true do
    if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Configuration") then -- use not if there is something not existent 
        local original = script.Parent.Configuration
        local copy = original:Clone()
        copy.Parent = game.Workspace
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where does it work with the print?

Still dosent work. (fdsnjfsdjkfhdsjfhsdkfsdh)

Is your game published to Roblox?

Yes everything should work but It did not for some reason.

local configuration = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Configuration")
while true do
    if not configuration then -- use not if there is something not existent 
        local original = script.Parent.Configuration
        local copy = original:Clone()
        copy.Parent = game.Workspace

try telling me if it prints “Success”

Edit: You also have to know that since you are copying the parent it is also copying the script.