I’m creating a creature and I need to make an outline for that creature every few seconds. When I created the outline though, it does this weird flickering thing on the mesh that’s cloned; what’s weirder is that it only happens locally and isn’t visible on the server.
I’m not sure if this problem is caused by an engine bug or my code, but regardless here is a section of the code that handles outlining the creature.
function Creature:createEcho()
local replicateTable = {}
local echoOutline = bodyOutline:Clone()
local bones = echoOutline:GetDescendants()
for i, v in pairs(self.body:GetDescendants()) do
bones[i].WorldCFrame = v.WorldCFrame
table.insert(replicateTable, echoOutline)
for _, v in pairs(self.limbs) do
if v.val == "FR" or v.val == "FL" then
echoOutline = frontLegOutline:Clone()
elseif v.val == "BR" or v.val == "BL" then
echoOutline = backLegOutline:Clone()
warn("Couldn't create an echo because val wasn't set!")
bones = echoOutline:GetDescendants()
for i, k in pairs(v.leg:GetDescendants()) do
bones[i].WorldCFrame = k.WorldCFrame
table.insert(replicateTable, echoOutline)
for _, v in pairs(replicateTable) do
v.Parent = workspace
TS:Create(v, echoFadeInfo, {Transparency = 1}):Play()
Debris:AddItem(v, ECHO_TIME)
I’ve tried searching the devfourm for mesh flickering and suspect it may be a bug, but I haven’t seen any examples as bad as this which leads me to believe I may be doing something wrong.