In my gun system, guns parts are all available on server and they are welded using Motor6D’s (So magazine, bolt, etc can be animated), will running all these animations on a server with 35 players cause server lag? because the animations are done in blender and they have a lot of keyframes, also the avatars are R15 so they have more Motor6D’s than R6 too.
To put it abruptly, yes.
It could definitely cause an increase in performance usage. Especially if you are using R15.
If I convert all Motor6D’s to welds on server, but still keep the animations with a lot of keyframes to play (I’ll keep them as Motor6D’s on client), will there be lag?
Because it will just be player characters animated, but with a lot of keyframes including ones that should’ve been playing for absent Motor6D’s in the gun parts.
I still need a reply to this topic
It depends on how many players can be in a server at a time, and varies on devices. I’m making an FPS game myself with Motor6D animations as well. There are many keyframes in all animations.
The max players I’ve had in a server currently is 4, and the game is still in development. I press shift + F5 to see my FPS. There weren’t any major frame drops or ping spikes when we all reloaded at the same time. This probably varies on devices, however. If you have 10 players in 1 server then it shouldn’t be too bad, but more than ten could still work without much performance drops. If you want to test how laggy it is using Motor6D, you should do this:
Have everyone do an animation, such as firing or reloading all at the same time.
Use shift + F5 to see your current FPS. (Use Shift + F3 to view ping if you’re looking for ping)
Have everyone do the same and tell them what the highest and lowest frames were.
Hope this helps.
Keep in mind that the client owns its character. If you were to put all the player’s parts and the gun inside of their character model and do all the animating on the client, it should all replicate without much strain put on the server. The client also only has to focus on one character rather than 35, so its also a great way to spread out the work load
When I run animations from client, is all motor6d work done from client or from server?
I was more worried about server performance rather than client performance.
I wanted to have a maximum player amount of 35, and as I replied to Dudeguy90539, I was more worried about server performance, each player animation is ran from their own client.
If the Motor6D animations only show up for one player, then performance should not fluctuate too much. Just make sure there aren’t too much parts moving at once, I think about 15 Motor6D welds is the best for performance, but you can have more if you want to. Don’t forget players can lower graphics quality to increase performance as well.
If I don’t count player’s avatar motor6D’s, there are 8 motor6d’s in the AKM, 1 of them barely moves, and the 2 others move during reloading, will idle motor6d’s cause performance decrease?
It’ll hardly affect things if only one is moving, 2 is very low, so that won’t affect it too much either. The shotgun in my game has about 5 moving parts when you fire it, and for me my frames don’t drop and my ping doesn’t spike. There are also particles that show up as well. So you should be fine. Hope I could help.
The server doesnt recognize the motor6ds, but this does not matter as everything from the client replicates to the server. If an object is in one place in the players character on their client, it does not matter what kind of physics affect that part, the client has network ownership over it