Will Making a Union Piece-By-Piece Compared to Every Negated Part at once have any difference?

Sorry for the lack of braincells

So recently I was working on some things involving unions and certain things i had to union once then additional negate a part and create a second union with an already existing union (basically cutting out a piece of a union) and I was wondering if there is anything different or “bad” about doing things this way.

I was wondering if there was any differences from creating a union all at once or piece by piece.
Using the image above, I was wondering if everything would be the same if i unioned the already cutout union vs the part that i was going to subtract both things from at once. (im probably asking a somewhat dumb question but i was genuinely wondering about this since i was going to make a building where the part for the building was already a union and wondering if it would still be fine to make a cutout for windows and other things without causing too many issues (plus i believe it makes it harder to seperate but it should be fine)


I’d just multi-select the negated parts and the part u want to Union, and then just union it. I’m not quite sure about any consequences from it. From my experience it should just do fine, and aslong you’ll save in-studio and anchor it, it’d be going well! Goodluck!

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so if I did something like this multiple times (creating a union then taking away from it or adding to it) with multiple unions, then would it have any serious effect at all? (I will use box collissionfidelity which will probably get rid of any performance issues already unless for some reason it thinks there are multiple parts inside of one spot at once)

Depends on how many parts you want to Union. Although it shouldn’t be much of a problem. Unless there are a lot of unions that have a box-collisionFidelity. I’d change it to PreciseConvexDecomposition (with this its barriers should perfect edge to the shape of the Union) and it might trouble some users with low graphic standards (low fps rate, but depends again on how many and how much)).


which is why i want box collissionfidelity (performance)

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Well I suppose it’d only create larger boxes for the total results of the unions. Otherwise use multiple unions that aren’t boxed that much and group them together.

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