Wire physics in Roblox Studio

robloxapp-20210903-1803304.wmv (997.6 KB)

I’ve made wire physics in Roblox Studio, it works pretty well :wink:

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send in mp4 pls it looks like ip log


nice i like it can be used to make engineering games lol

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Ok, what is ip log and i will try xd

I am trying to make, but I am dumb ;(

Im not comfortable downloading random files from random people, a video please?

how to send video? sorry i dont use dev forum for videos much

dont joke about it, may lead to some circumstances

This website is really useful.

Can you explain how it works please?

The script of wire:
Note: Don’t use it for commerical purpose, or don’t steal it, this is just for an idea on how it works

local startingbrickcolor = script.Parent.BrickColor
local canwork = true

    local partstouching = script.Parent:GetTouchingParts()
    if script.Parent.Volt.Value >= 1 and #partstouching ~= 0 and canwork == true then
        canwork = false
        script.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright blue")
        local wirestouching = 0
        for i,v in pairs(partstouching) do
            if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name == "Wire" then
                wirestouching += 1
        if partstouching[1]:IsA("Part") then
            local voltstogive = script.Parent.Volt.Value/wirestouching
            for i,v in pairs(partstouching) do
                if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name == "Wire" then
                    v.Volt.Value = voltstogive
        script.Parent.Volt.Value = 0
        script.Parent.BrickColor = startingbrickcolor
        canwork = true

So the voltage decreases with every wire part that touches it?

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Yes you cannot keep infinite wires, if u keep 2 wires connected to 1 wire, the voltage divides equally

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As mentioned above, its real physics :wink:

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In that case, you forgot resistance.

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Ok I will add it too, and making it real physics

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