Working on a "Reactor CORE" type game [Devlog]

You may want to secure these RemoteEvents sooner rather than later so you don’t forget, currently exploiters can just spam events and it’ll constantly run the function


Yes I know, but the problem is that when you lower the graphics quality too much the reactor chamber doesn’t load completely so I prefer having a shadow map lighting with the reactor chamber fully loaded rather than a shadow map lighting with a reactor chamber halfly loaded…


Nacer, i suggest adding graphics settings that datastore save so the player DOESNT NEED to be with little to no people. (Basically just a setting ui that can enable a low quality mode for better running, basically remove textures, and a feature to disable billboardguis, a feature to make parts of the game that take up memory unload after a certain distance, and lastly a setting to disable future lighting)


for the graphic settings its possible to datastore (the sunrays, the dept of field, and some other lighting effects…) but its impossible to change the lighting technology while in-game thats why I gotta do that “two places thing”

the thing that is the most laggy is the future lighting technology so I would like players with bad devices to be able to play without it


Ah okay.



Also, Nacer have you read the post i have replied to?


yes, I did read it I’ll maybe see that for future versions of the game

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So is this game out yet? Wow this game looks really polished too

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Not out yet, this is more of an update form for update posts from the creator and suggestions from players, also a form for helping the creator with stuff, etc.

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I am very active on this form due to the fact that core games have a special place in my heart.

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Yea I love them too. I am making one right now that is in development. I will play this when it releases. Put it in my bookmarks.

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I usually scrap most of my core games other than a new one i made called “SITE-ANDROMEDA”

this game is public, and anyone can play it. Whenever you feel like joining it, Alert me and i can walk you through due to the fact that you cannot exit spawn without a sci-major card

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I will probably check that game out later.

Edit: I did

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Why are the lights not placed where the light source is? why are they on the ground?


This looks Awesome
Cant wait for it!


Because it looks better like this:
point lights on the ground:

point lights on the ceiling:


oh yeah and also guys I am having difficulties with “layered clothing” to make a new Hazmat suit for the game,
so if anyone has some knowledge with the creation of layered clothing it would help me a lot if they could tell me more about it in this other topic I created:


Just extend the range? Use spot lights? there are a lot of better ways to do this.

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Alright! here:


Wow this core game looks really good. Can’t wait to play it when it releases!