Would a crashing anticheat be better or just a normal kick

I was thinking about anticheats, and i was wondering if i should use a crashing anticheat, as like if they are detected their game instantly crashes and anytime they try to join back it would crash them

i could back this up with a normal kick if it does get bypassed (as to crash only the specific player you have to run it from a local script)

dont know if this is morally correct, but was just wondering if i could use this to help with anticheats

That only exists in propagandas xD

I wouldn’t suggest you crashing as that sort of violates the players but a kick/ban would do the job. But without actual evidence, to make sure you didn’t ban a OG player who just glitched, you shouldn’t ban until you find actual proof

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mean, yeah, but i meant saving crashing for like easily detectable stuff, like flying, flinging? ect.

But stuff like teleporting, could just be lag where i would just have a counter and everytime they set of the anticheat their counter goes up by one until its like 10 or something, then kick them (not ban nor crash)

Personally what I do is I will make pop a UI on other player’s screen asking if the guy is actually hacking or just a glitch, and asks the player to record it and send on discord for a special prize.