Would can-colliding parts outside of the map optimize the map?

I have a quick question. Would making details in the outside of the map can-collide false optimize the game in the slightest bit? I’ve heard it works for unions and meshes because the server doesn’t need to calculate the physics of it, but does making just normal parts can-collide false a way to optimize at least in the slightest?


Unless you have a very large amount of parts out there, the impact is negligible. It depends.

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From what I remember, it WILL make a difference if the parts are close to the player but if they’re far away there’s no point. I think Arseny mentioned it in his RDC talk on designing for performance

Timestamp ≈ 30:50


This will have more of an impact if you use a large amount of unions etc as their collision geometry is rather complex - I’d recommend setting the collision type to box too if players don’t interact with them. For normal parts I’m sure there’ll be a difference but i assume it’ll be minimal (unless you’re close as previously stated)


Go for it. Sure it won’t do a massive difference but overall a small amount is still better than nothing at all and it is always worth doing this either way if you want to be smart when building maps/related. Optimize everything you possibly can, then the player experience will be the best possible. :+1:


afaik making them locally invisible would probably help performance more than removing their collisions and it would also prevent problems if locally/server owned objects or etc go out of range. if the map has a lot of static objects and no moving clusters / detailed dynamic objects it would also help.

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