Would I need a script for this problem?

So I had created a candle for my game and I need light so it will be easier for the character to see at night. I am wondering if you need a script or if it is something else in studio. Thank you for responding and I hope I gave plenty of information.

Do you mean PointLight? you can make it a child of your candle flame and tweak settings to suit mood. It is an instance you can add in studio, no scripting needed.

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Is that in in properties? And how would I make the flame a child?

click the + button to the right of the part you want to add it to (part not model) search for point light

Alternatively, right click anywhere around the Studio windows. Find “Advanced Objects” and check it. Proceed searching “PointLight”.

Thank you so much! You help is well appreciated.

Thank you too for telling me this too.