Would it be okay to use avatars from previous players as NPCs in-game?

I am working on developing a round-based game which I plan to add “fake players” to fill in rounds when there is not enough players. I’m having an issue with finding a good way to give them realistic appearances and I think it would be a good idea to just take the UserId of players who have played the game and then apply their HumanoidDescription to future NPCs.

Would it be okay to do this? I’m not going as far to create incredibly convincing fake players because I plan to give them generic non-username like names. Would I break any Roblox rules or cause any other issues by doing this? What would happen if the player who’s humanoid description is used is wearing inappropriate clothing? If I can’t do this, would it work if I were to make it consensual by requiring users to say “yes” to a GUI prompt to have their avatar appear in-game?

I plan to implement this system by checking the player’s current accessories to make sure they’re “desirable” to be shown in-game (Generally making sure they don’t have free accessories) and then saving their UserId. The humanoiddescription would be loaded when a new fake player is needed through a random previous player’s UserId. The fake player would then be given a fake non-player-like name and then built into the game.

The main red flag is if they are using inappropriate avatars then you would be held liable for loading them in, and while you may not get in major trouble if its RNG based its still a problem you should try to avoid.

My recommendation is just having a list of maybe 200 different avatars which you have manually checked two be appropriate and loading in them randomly. Or having a list of accesrroes and clothing and mix and matching them.

to be honest, i would use the avatars of notable developers or content creators on the site. this serves a few useful purposes:

  1. it ensures that inappropriate clothing won’t be an issue - developers and content creators that are recognized by roblox (UGC creators, past event creators, bloxy winners, past event participants, etc.) aren’t going to be flaunting rule-breaking clothing unless they are hacked (which is rather unlikely).
  2. these are the people that a lot of the playerbase looks up to and, unfortunately, idolizes. as seen with the skins in games like Flood Escape 2, players love the ability to see or wear the avatars of their favorite developers and content creators - it adds a fun extra aspect to the game.
  3. it isn’t a big secret that developers have the sickest looking avatars

i get the feeling that you want to use avatars of people who have previously played the game to make the NPCs more interesting, but as you’ve recognized, there are some dangerous aspects to that approach. the possibilities of something going wrong if you use developers or content creators are lower.

on a side note, if you’re going to use notable roblox users, you might want to consider using their real usernames as opposed to fake ones - it shouldn’t matter too much if you don’t, but it might be confusing if a player is looking at an avatar they recognize but are seeing a different name associated with it