Would this be copyright?

Hi! I was working on a cash register screen for the buyer, but when I was putting the items on the screen, I thought if it would be flagged as copyright. I did change the words from the original product but it’s still noticeable to the actual product. Is there a rule saying I can’t have any references or anything to the actual product?

Original Products:
Mayonnaise: Sir Kensington’s Classic
Ricotta Cheese: Calabro Whole Milk

Newly Named Products:
Ricotta Cheese: Calabrah Whole Milk
Mayonnaise: Sir Kensingtoes’ Classic

You just took the name of a type of food, and changed a bit, and also this is for a game which has no relations to restaurents. For me, it doesn’t sound like a problem.


Ah, wasn’t sure. Just wanted to stay out of roblox’s ban hammer. Thank you for the reply!

No problem! All though I’m not super sure as well, so do more searching

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You don’t have to do more searching, you’re fine. Parodies of names are ok, just don’t ring anything through named a Big Mac :stuck_out_tongue: