Your honest opinion & feedback for the Galaxy Obby

the Galaxy Obby: your honest opinion and feedback

Hi, my name is Sven and I’m a beginner builder and scripter. I love to develop so that is what I do, I created an obby game. I could build further because I really like to do so, but what are your thoughts about my game? I’m not really sure people will like my game or enjoy it, maybe because its boring or too easy, too hard? That is why I created this topic. I would like your honest opinion and feedback!

This is my game, if you would like to check it out:

Thank you for your feedback and honest opinion. Don’t feel bad if you say ‘‘its boring’’ or ‘‘it looks horrible’’ because that is what I would like to know.

A few things: the shop isn’t there yet. More stages will be added, and what should players be able to do with the collectable stars? A shop, or maybe bonus levels? I would also like suggestions.

Thank you for reading,
Sven (@NinjaMinion101)

Information (15-3-2021) edit:
Thank you all for testing my game. The game is now closed to the public; and it will be released on the 5th of May. All of your suggestions were super helpful and I will keep them all in mind for the release. Please note that even after the release, the game will still be updated; the release is just there so there is a decent amount of stages for players to play.


GREAT GAME! I loved this game, It was very enjoyable, I like the stars system, As we discussed, add a shop, other than that your game is GREAT, AWESOME, AMAZING, LOVELY!!!


Thanks for your visit, feedback, suggestion and honest opinion! It motivates me to build further which I will do now.


Looks like a fun game so far, I like the concept of the appearing parts and such. Also the interaction with the star is a good feature in my opinion it brings some interaction and depth to the game, basically more to enjoy than just simply a basic obby as we all know. Keep up the good work and good luck with your game !


Wow, quite honestly, I didn’t expect everyone to be so positive; thank you for your time, feedback and honest opinion, I really appreciate it! I like your username.


Of course no problem, I like the concept you got going on there so I wish you good luck on your journey to finishing the game. Also thank you haha I assume you are dutch if you compliment my username :slight_smile:


Indeed, lol. Thank you, I’ll do my best to make this game better.

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I only played for a couple of mins until the game froze at that one star you stare at, but so far it’s a great game. I’m garbage at parkour but all other obbies are just basic. You got the stretched image of Spongebob, the random stuff all around the map, and no challenge. With this one, I really enjoyed the background and the feel of the game, and how you made the parts change so you always need to guess where the real parts are (you got me every time lol). Great work!


Haha, thank you for your time, feedback and nice words!


The game is AMAZING!!! It has a wonderful twist which makes it unique and so different from the other obbys…It would be a really wonderful project after the shop is added. And as for the stars, I think they will do great for both mutators or anything you are going to sell in the shop { if that’s what u plan to go for} and bonus maps… Overall, Its an amazing project. Good Luck with your game.


Hi EalenorWolfson,

Thank you for your response, feedback and time! I really appreciate it!


Really good stuff, like the visuals, the sound for picking up stars is kinda blergh tho, maybe swap it out for something more cheerful.
Also are you using CFrames for you platforms? because it may be better to use the physics system, i.e move them using constraints… as this will automatically move the player with the platform (unless bugs happen) rather than requiring you to walk along with the moving platform or code it so that the players position is augmented with the movement of the platform.


That would make the game a lot better indeed, thank you for the idea: I’ll keep it in mind!
I’m currently using CFrames but I’ll definitely consider using constraints.

Thank you for your message, I really appreciate your time, feedback and great suggestion!


I like the theme you were going for. Maybe you could tween the spheres on stage 3 to go fully transparent since they just dissapear after a bit, and maybe add a part a bit under the courses that kills you so you die right after you fail a course, which would save time for the player.

Also I dont know if this on purpose or not but the purple and pink planets seem to have lost their rings:


Hi Harishxx,

Thank you for your feedback and suggestion, it really helps.

About the time saving for the player: great idea, that would definitely make the game experience better, I’ll definitely add that soon. The tween-idea is also great because that would look way better: thank you!

The planets that lost their rings is on purpose, because when you step on the button it becomes one planet lol. It’s a bit hard to explain but it’s on purpose.

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I’m not sure if people still read this but if you do, I would like feedback on the shop I added to the game. Just so you don’t need to join the game, I made a 30 seconds video on YouTube showing the shop.

Galaxy Obby Shop (30 seconds video on YouTube)

Thank you if you still read this and if you want to give feedback, suggestions.


I suggest you add an image for each of the boosts, and only if you can, you could try viewport frames of the boosts spinning


Good idea, so that they will have a better idea in what they are buying.
Lol, you are full of good idea’s, thank you!

About the viewport frames: looks pretty nice, but I’m not sure if I can do that, I will try though.
Thank you!


In my opinion, the shop is amazing! But as, @Harishxx said, the shop would be even more better with the icons for the boosts. And, like i said earlier, the game’s amazing. Keep up the amazing work!!!


Thank you! I will definitely add icons, but I first need to create them! Thank you for telling me your opinion too.

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