-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler. local v1 = false; local v2, v3 = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserHandleChatHotKeyWithContextActionService"); end); if v2 then v1 = v3; end; local l__StarterGui__4 = game:GetService("StarterGui"); local l__GuiService__5 = game:GetService("GuiService"); local l__ReplicatedStorage__6 = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"); local v7 = require(game:GetService("Chat"):WaitForChild("ClientChatModules"):WaitForChild("ChatSettings")); local v8, v9 = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserFlagEnableVRUpdate3"); end); function SetCoreGuiChatConnections(p1) local v10 = 0; while true do if v10 < 10 then else break; end; v10 = v10 + 1; local v11, v12 = pcall(function() l__StarterGui__4:SetCore("CoreGuiChatConnections", p1); end); if not v11 then else break; end; if not v11 then if v10 == 10 then error("Error calling SetCore CoreGuiChatConnections: " .. v12); end; end; wait(); end; end; function checkBothChatTypesDisabled() if v7.BubbleChatEnabled ~= nil then if v7.ClassicChatEnabled ~= nil then else return false; end; else return false; end; return not (v7.BubbleChatEnabled or v7.ClassicChatEnabled); end; if not l__GuiService__5:IsTenFootInterface() and (not game:GetService("UserInputService").VREnabled or (v8 or v9)) then if not checkBothChatTypesDisabled() then (function() local v13 = { ChatWindow = {}, SetCore = {}, GetCore = {} }; v13.ChatWindow.ChatTypes = {}; v13.ChatWindow.ChatTypes.BubbleChatEnabled = v7.BubbleChatEnabled; v13.ChatWindow.ChatTypes.ClassicChatEnabled = v7.ClassicChatEnabled; local u1 = require(script:WaitForChild("ChatMain")); local v14 = Instance.new("BindableEvent"); v14.Name = "ToggleVisibility"; v13.ChatWindow.ToggleVisibility = v14; local u2 = "ToggleVisibility"; v14.Event:connect(function(...) u1[u2](u1, ...); end); local v15 = Instance.new("BindableEvent"); v15.Name = "SetVisible"; v13.ChatWindow.SetVisible = v15; u2 = "SetVisible"; v15.Event:connect(function(...) u1[u2](u1, ...); end); local v16 = Instance.new("BindableEvent"); v16.Name = "FocusChatBar"; v13.ChatWindow.FocusChatBar = v16; u2 = "FocusChatBar"; v16.Event:connect(function(...) u1[u2](u1, ...); end); local v17 = Instance.new("BindableEvent"); v17.Name = "EnterWhisperState"; v13.ChatWindow.EnterWhisperState = v17; u2 = "EnterWhisperState"; v17.Event:connect(function(...) u1[u2](u1, ...); end); local v18 = Instance.new("BindableFunction"); v18.Name = "GetVisibility"; v13.ChatWindow.GetVisibility = v18; local u3 = "GetVisibility"; function v18.OnInvoke(...) return u1[u3](u1, ...); end; local v19 = Instance.new("BindableFunction"); v19.Name = "GetMessageCount"; v13.ChatWindow.GetMessageCount = v19; u3 = "GetMessageCount"; function v19.OnInvoke(...) return u1[u3](u1, ...); end; local v20 = Instance.new("BindableEvent"); v20.Name = "TopbarEnabledChanged"; v13.ChatWindow.TopbarEnabledChanged = v20; local l__Event__21 = v20.Event; u2 = "TopbarEnabledChanged"; u3 = l__Event__21; l__Event__21.connect(u3, function(...) u1[u2](u1, ...); end); local v22 = Instance.new("BindableFunction"); v22.Name = "IsFocused"; v13.ChatWindow.IsFocused = v22; u3 = "IsFocused"; function v22.OnInvoke(...) return u1[u3](u1, ...); end; local v23 = Instance.new("BindableEvent"); v23.Name = "ChatBarFocusChanged"; v13.ChatWindow.ChatBarFocusChanged = v23; local l__ChatBarFocusChanged__24 = u1.ChatBarFocusChanged; local u4 = v23; u3 = l__ChatBarFocusChanged__24; l__ChatBarFocusChanged__24.connect(u3, function(...) u4:Fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "VisibilityStateChanged"; v13.ChatWindow.VisibilityStateChanged = u4; local l__VisibilityStateChanged__25 = u1.VisibilityStateChanged; u3 = l__VisibilityStateChanged__25; l__VisibilityStateChanged__25.connect(u3, function(...) u4:Fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "MessagesChanged"; v13.ChatWindow.MessagesChanged = u4; local l__MessagesChanged__26 = u1.MessagesChanged; u3 = l__MessagesChanged__26; l__MessagesChanged__26.connect(u3, function(...) u4:Fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "MessagePosted"; v13.ChatWindow.MessagePosted = u4; local l__MessagePosted__27 = u1.MessagePosted; u3 = l__MessagePosted__27; l__MessagePosted__27.connect(u3, function(...) u4:Fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "CoreGuiEnabled"; v13.ChatWindow.CoreGuiEnabled = u4; local l__Event__28 = u4.Event; u2 = "CoreGuiEnabled"; u3 = l__Event__28; l__Event__28.connect(u3, function(...) u1[u2]:fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "ChatMakeSystemMessage"; v13.SetCore.ChatMakeSystemMessage = u4; local l__Event__29 = u4.Event; u2 = "ChatMakeSystemMessage"; u3 = l__Event__29; l__Event__29.connect(u3, function(...) u1[u2 .. "Event"]:fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "ChatWindowPosition"; v13.SetCore.ChatWindowPosition = u4; local l__Event__30 = u4.Event; u2 = "ChatWindowPosition"; u3 = l__Event__30; l__Event__30.connect(u3, function(...) u1[u2 .. "Event"]:fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "ChatWindowSize"; v13.SetCore.ChatWindowSize = u4; local l__Event__31 = u4.Event; u2 = "ChatWindowSize"; u3 = l__Event__31; l__Event__31.connect(u3, function(...) u1[u2 .. "Event"]:fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableFunction"); u4.Name = "ChatWindowPosition"; v13.GetCore.ChatWindowPosition = u4; u3 = "ChatWindowPosition"; function u4.OnInvoke(...) return u1["f" .. u3](...); end; u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableFunction"); u4.Name = "ChatWindowSize"; v13.GetCore.ChatWindowSize = u4; u3 = "ChatWindowSize"; function u4.OnInvoke(...) return u1["f" .. u3](...); end; u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "ChatBarDisabled"; v13.SetCore.ChatBarDisabled = u4; local l__Event__32 = u4.Event; u2 = "ChatBarDisabled"; u3 = l__Event__32; l__Event__32.connect(u3, function(...) u1[u2 .. "Event"]:fire(...); end); u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableFunction"); u4.Name = "ChatBarDisabled"; v13.GetCore.ChatBarDisabled = u4; u3 = "ChatBarDisabled"; function u4.OnInvoke(...) return u1["f" .. u3](...); end; u4 = v1; if not u4 then u4 = Instance.new; u4 = u4("BindableEvent"); u4.Name = "SpecialKeyPressed"; v13.ChatWindow.SpecialKeyPressed = u4; local l__Event__33 = u4.Event; u2 = "SpecialKeyPressed"; u3 = l__Event__33; l__Event__33.connect(u3, function(...) u1[u2](u1, ...); end); end; u4 = SetCoreGuiChatConnections; u4(v13); end)(); else local v34 = { ChatWindow = {} }; v34.ChatWindow.ChatTypes = {}; v34.ChatWindow.ChatTypes.BubbleChatEnabled = false; v34.ChatWindow.ChatTypes.ClassicChatEnabled = false; SetCoreGuiChatConnections(v34); end; else l__ReplicatedStorage__6:WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents").GetInitDataRequest:InvokeServer(); end;