ICYMI: Experience controls test starting November 20!

Agree, this amount of space shifting the chat and leaderboards down so much is off putting.

I am literally praying at this point that this will be changed again. What was so wrong with the old topbar that it had to be completely changed? Why not just combine the 2?

Everyone already had adapted to the old topbar, so why not make it function the same?
IE: Keep the unibar icon on the right like before, but allow us to disable all CoreGuiTypes inside it to make it invisible.

Working around floating buttons that you cannot disable is insanely hard in a lot of situations, to the point where I think the old old topbar (the one that filled the entire 36 pixel space) was better. It served as a clear boundary, and make fullscreen UI that had IgnoreGuiInset set to false look nice. The new one pretty much prevents this entirely, since either the UI will be overlaid by the topbar, or have a weird empty space above it.

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It would be cool if the topbar was still the same size as the old one for compatibility. Its just too much space being wasted.


rant warning ig

In addition, the new UI height of 48px will break a lot of old, abandoned games that assume the topbar is always 36 pixels. (I mean, it was for about 7 years)

Example from RoBeats:


The new GUI fails on lower resolution phones it seems, a user sent me some screenshots to show me the blur problem they have now.


So uhhh



Wow i think its a beta for real

Maybe develop the feature a little more before release?


You can toggle pin and unpin the chat in chrome UI
{"FFlagEnableChromePinnedChat": true}
this toggle will be added Accessibility settings.


Why we cannot disable the topbar fully I meant the first thing you learnd if you use a PC for first time is how you can open and close apps and on an phone or tablet you also have the home button and < button what most apps in playstore use to close the app way nut use this to leave the experience where yours scared for that a child not can leave a experience

Just say now we have by default things in the viewport way nut too for StarterGui what is the topbar menus what you can customize then or just remove things also the massage prompts and buy prompts can just not removed

People will leave Roblox for it

And now Roblox is starting to roll this out publicly, as an actual feature instead of a Beta feature. I absolutely hate this. Give me one reason behind why the old UI isn’t good enough. I am not a fan of completely round buttons at all. What you are basically doing is making a bigger topbar (just like Windows 11 has a bigger taskbar than Windows 10, but that is way less noticeable than in Roblox), and applying UICorner = 1 on every button. If the chat and the other settings button (the one that opens a popup to show inventory, emotes and leaderboard) were not hid in a new topbar menu, and the topbar kept the old style, I would have no problems at all. Otherwise I do.

You might argue that every website and platform makes a new UI at some point, but Roblox has the worst and less one. YouTube did it well. Mojang did it well whenever the Minecraft launcher had gotten a new UI. Steam did it incredibly, they made subtle, but nice looking changes. Roblox on the other and has made the worst possible UI change so far. I even like the new menu, it looks cleaner and more like Roblox UI rather than the old one. But the topbar? It absolutely sucks. I hope when the inventory UI is changed, it isn’t as horrible.

The best compromise I can think of regarding old experiences: just make it something like the old and new chat services. It shouldn’t automatically update, of course. That would be stupid.

Why would you people even think to do something like this? Are you trying to weed out old and abandoned experiences? We deserve a choice regarding things like this. Just make it optional for people and see how many use it, then you’ll see how horrible this change really is.*

*Do not do that garbage when you set everyone’s avatar to R15 and said that 98% of the player base used R15

I think its possible to copy the old CoreGUI elements, remove the new one and insert the old one in the PlayerGUI right?

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I mostly like the new experience controls except how the chat is hidden inside this menu. It should be independent. The second thing that I don’t like about the new experience controls is how big they are, they should be smaller. Also the report menu is kinda useless, takes a lot of space for no purpose.

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It’s still a beta feature. It’s publicly rolled out to a small percentage of people, not everyone. I personally didn’t receive it yet, in all of my accounts. Think of it like a test.

I’m pretty sure that the chat isn’t hidden behind a menu anymore, check this (cursed) image. I don’t have the beta, so it’s not 100% until someone who has the beta confirms or denies this.

By default the chat is integrated into the menu.


I struggle to understand how professional UI designers did not notice these glaring intuitive design problems before pushing it to a public build


My account is one of the few that received access to this update a few days ago, and I’m already noticing some frustrating bugs - some of which have already been reported in this thread. It would be helpful if engineers (@JuiceBoxYoda) actually addressed some of these major concerns rather than staying silent and pushing an unintuitive and bug-ridden update… the whole point of rolling it out to a portion of users was so you could squash bugs and address concerns before it’s fully rolled out, no?

  1. The addition of a chat button that you can access without expanding the topbar has been awesome (thanks for listening to some of our feedback)! However, the issue now is that the version of these new controls that Roblox Studio uses is several updates behind the one being rolled out in-game, as it doesn’t include changes such as the addition of the chat icon outside of the expandable menu.
    Roblox Studio:
    Also, what’s up with the ‘BETA’ tag still existing on the production version of the new experience controls? Will this be removed as it is in the Studio beta?

  2. Aforementioned, the default leaderboard now looks extremely unusual because of the gap between it and the top of the screen which is where the right control buttons used to be. Not only this, but it’s also not space-efficient and should be moved up to occupy only the top right of the screen without a gap, because the gap currently takes up a lot of screen space that could be put to good use by developers. Even better if you made this optional, as some developers may want to put their own buttons above the leaderboard and this may become a popular UI choice in future.

  3. This was reported already months ago, but you can still hover over two of the expandable buttons at once, causing both tool tips to come up. This is unintuitive.

These are the most major bugs I’ve come across that are impacting the UX of my experience, let alone the countless more trivial (but still just as important) ones that are the majority of the replies in this thread.


Thats an existing ROBLOX Mobile bug and it happens on many resolutions

First I’ve ever seen it myself, never seen mobile have blurry menu buttons. Glad to know it’s already a known issue.