Animation Editor Bugs

Hello developers and potentially interns/employees, today I have a couple of bugs I’d like to explain, as well as give repro steps. These bugs are minor annoyances, but are potentially alienating to new developers. Below is the normal, fixed version of this animation I’ll be using as a reference.

Normal tackle.

Bug 1: The shifty keyframe
This bug in the animation editor causes any part without a frame in the keyframe to rotate back to its default position for that keyframe.

Reproducing: Try creating 3 keyframes in your animation, make sure you manipulate a part in all 3 keyframes to a new position/rotation. Now hold Alt and click the frame for that part in the center keyframe. When you play the animation, the part will rotate to default for that frame.

Bugged tackle, removing UpperTorso from keyframe, UpperTorso resets to default rotation/position near the end for 1 keyframe.

Bug 2: The Spooky Playback
This bug in the animation editor causes the animation to play with distorted positions and rotations.

Reproducing: Create an animation with a keyframe at the start and a different set of rotations/positions at the end. Go to Edit > Change Length, change the length of the animation, press Okay. Don’t click anything else after this except File > Play. You should have a distorted animation like the one below.

Final note: This last one isn’t necessarily a bug, but things would be easier if animations were updated in such a way that you could import the most recent version of it. Working on animations, I often have to import, edit, close the editor, test an animation, find out it doesn’t quite fit my needs, import it, and realize it imported the version of the animation that existed when I opened the place file in studio. To fix this, I also have to save, close the place entirely, and reopen it.

I appreciate the work that has been done thus far on the Animation Editor! It’s a wonderful tool. Thanks for reading!