Atmospheric Fog Effects

So I was messing around with effects using fog and lighting, and I ended up with some cool effects.

Sandy Desert

Deep Sea

Sp00ky Sea

and finally

Foggy Fog

Urban City w/ Light Pollution (made brighter so it’s easy to see)

What do you guys think? I thought it was a very nice effect.


So you changed the skybox to work with fog?

Or is this an update?

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No edits to the skybox. The skybox is a solid color (Exception of the night sky which is black with stars) And no updates. I thought up a technique with unions and decals to improve fog.

I can change the fog color whenever I want and it’d work seamlessly.

Could you post a link to a game so I could test it?

Well each time I created a new setting I removed the other.
So as of now, no game link.
I’d want to actually script it to follow the player if I were to put it in free explore.
I’m sure I’ll make somethin out of it soon

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Try using a negative fog colour. It looks quite nice when done well.

I saw those posts about it. It very cool although I have no idea what would happen if I used it with this system

Deap Sea reminded me so much of SOMA.
I loved the sandy desert as well.

This almost doesn’t even look like its on ROBLOX. :o

For Sp00ky Sea (and somewhat deep sea), I took some inspiration from SOMA

Did another one! This was to experiment with silhouettes to make big objects in the distance.
Also I used some perspective tricks and such, but it works.

I do plan to use these in a game soon but for now screenshots are the only way to see it.

Assuming this doesn’t lag, this would be very useful. It’d be nice if this was an actual Roblox feature, though. Up to now, I’ve always just had to do some skybox/fog voodoo to get a true fog look.

Volumetric fog?

Nah, just making a gradient skybox and then editing the fog color until it matches the gradient. It looks good when it’s complete, and it doesn’t lag at all, however it doesn’t allow for very fluid changes in fog color, such as in day/night scripts.

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So what I actually did here was I took a cylinder, found the size I wanted (which tended to be massive but it can be whatever size you want as long as it’s outside of the fog) and then hollowed it out with a negative part.
After that I just applied a gradient, fog, and lighting.

Exception to the Light pollution. I did do all that previous stuff, but I also angled the cylinder and used some billboardguis.


I made some stuff as well:

Fallout 4 Glowing Sea ambient test

Spooky forest

Sadly these both have bugs with rendering because of the way ROBLOX renders transparent objects :confused:
But their both really cool and can be added to most showcases to give an extra touch of detail.


You could use this method at the cost of losing skybox detail:

Make a small part.
Give it a hollow sphere mesh.
Make the mesh/part white. (Depends on atmosphere)
Make the part/mesh transparency = 0.1
Place the part in the middle of the map.
Make the scale of the mesh something similar to 1000,200,1000. Make sure it covers the whole map
Then just add fog. FogEnd 300 in this picture. Making FogStart something like 50 may aid this.

Because fog effects parts further away it will put fog in front of the edges of the mesh but not the top and bottom. Which creates this effect.

The effect would probably work better if you made a union suited for this with it’s top and bottom squashed closer inwards but having such a large union would cause more performance issues whereas the mesh doesn’t.


@Crykee Couldn’t you also do the same mesh thing, but make the part local and weld it to the HumanoidRootPart? That way you could make settings for it and what not.

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@PyroInfinity Nice idea

What’s the ambient you’re using for FoggyFog?

Blue-ish ambience and light yellow fog?